Sunday, June 15, 2008

in honor of father's day

i just had a lovely conversation with my dad for father's day. we chatted about the boat, about the mission trip i just went on, about the wedding, etc. then the following conversation ensued:

traci: "barack obama is coming to detroit tomorrow and i can't go because i have a meeting."

dad: "who's uncle bob?"

traci: laughter. "BARACK OBAMA"

dad: "oh, i was wondering which side of the family uncle bob was on."

traci: (still laughing.) "i'm going to put that on my blog."

happy father's day, dad. i love you.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

they say...

they say that love can heal the broken
they say that hope can make you see
they say that faith faith can find a savior.

jars of clay.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

given the amount of time i spend on the cell phone this makes me very nervous.